L'Outre-Monde : www.outremonde.ch

Mama Editions : www.mamaeditions.net

Gakerie Hozho - chamanismes et médecines de la terre : https://galerie-hozho.ch


Antero Alli’s website : www.verticalpool.com

Robert Anton Wilson’s website : www.rawilson.com

The eight-circuit model on wikipedia.org : www.wikipedia.org/wiki/Eight-circuit_model_of_consciousness

The eight-circuit model on deoxy.com : www.deoxy.org/8circuit.htm

Ervin Laszlo’s website : www.ervinlaszlo.com

Stanislav Grof’s website : www.stanislavgrof.com

Jane Roberts and The Seth material : www.sethcenter.com

Esther and Jerry Hicks’s website (The Teachings of Abraham and The Law of Attraction) : www.abraham-hicks.com

Tuning In: Spirit Channelers in America the movie : www.tuninginmovie.com

The Foundation for Shamanic Studies (FSS), founded by anthropologist Michael Harner : www.shamanism.org

Vipassana meditation, taught by S. N. Goenka : www.dhamma.org

Sivananda Yoga Vedanta Centres and Ashrams : www.sivananda.org

Universal Healing Tao, founded by Mantak Chia : www.universal-tao.com

Ina May Gaskin’s website : www.inamay.com

The T. Colin Campbell Foundation (The China Study) : www.tcolincampbell.org

Dale Pendell’s website : www.dalependell.com